Monday, January 3, 2011

ExudeGratitude365 is Born

Happy New Year! 2010 was one of the greatest years of my life, I'm so thankful and in reflecting all that happen last year and how fast it went.... it got me thinking; why not try and document 2011 by taking a pic a day, EVERYDAY: a 365 picture project. A Mighty Tremendous Task, seems prefect to help me learn the ins and out of my new camera ( NikonD90, my 1st DSLR) ,  practice my passion of photography while developing and exploring my photographic eye,  learn to blog /journal...surely the going to be the hardest and by far the scariest part( I sure hope this blogger has spell check & sorry my grammar sucks) and most Important Capture moments in life from the extraordinary to the mundane, or try and find the extraordinary in the mundane, to be inspired by all the little things... A 365 picture project is perfect way to count my blessings and so Exude Gratitude is born.

I going to back track yesterday and attach pics tomorrow and I never did figure out how to use the spell check :-/ I will soon, I promise. For now I'm off to's 11:49pm and in true Nicki style I decided to Take on this project on around 10pm this evening. God help me.

Thanks to any and all taking the time to check out my blog! I'd love any cheers of encouragement! Please follow me... weather you check up on it or not, just seeing that i have followers will be a huge help for me to keep going, especially as someone who loves to start Something but doesn't always finish ;)

Wish me Luck and May 2011 bring  you lots of things to be grateful for :)

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