Tuesday, January 25, 2011

25/365...Pretty blossom gratitude.

Drake and I went for a stroll to take some shots of these really pretty blossoms.

BTW does anyone know what kind of blossoms this is?

Pretty blossom gratitude.

Monday, January 24, 2011

24/365...Super cute cousin gratitude.

Okay, Okay so I admit it... I haven't been that good at Blogging daily.  I said from the start that blogging would be the hardest part but I've done pretty well on playing catch up with it.  I have been super proud that at least I take the picture daily or at least I had until today... today was the first day I took no pictures :( however I took so many yesterday that I'll cheat and use another one of  my cousins senior picutres.

She's super cute so I figured ya'll wouldn't mind.

Super cute cousin gratitude.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

23/365...Senior picture gratitude.

Today I had the honor of photographing my cousin Lauren.

She is a Senior in High School. WOW, how time flys.  I remember carrying her around when she was Drakes age and now she is a smart, beautiful young lady about to graduate.  Love you Lots girl and I'm so proud!!

Here is a sneak peak at a few of my favs...I haven't gotten to edit them yet, my software is down... but she  is stunning without an edit and I could wait any longer. :)

Senior picture gratitude.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

22/365...Great day gratitude!

Some days are just eh, most are good and some are GREAT!

Today was one of those great days.

Sean made me a wonderful Breakfast while Drake and I slept in.  We all went in the jacuzzi for Drakes first swim which he loved.   Then headed down to the beach for a stroll on the boardwalk where we met up with Grandpa Drake and headed up to a roof top deck to enjoy cold beers while watching the sunset.

Great day gratitude!

Friday, January 21, 2011

21/365...Laughter filled smile gratitude.

Tonight we went to a family ( Sean's side) dinner where the good times and laughter was rolling.

Laughter filled smile gratitude.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

20/365...No bumped heads gratitude.

One lil monkey swinging from his Daddy...

I'm grateful no one has bumped they're head or gotten hurt.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

19/365...New do attitude gratitude.

Fellows you better lock up your daughters...Drake is in town.

New Mohawk = Model Baby Attitude

New do attitude gratitude.